We Believe the bible to be the inspired written word oh God.
WE Believe that there is one God,eternally existent in three
person;God the Father,God the Son,God the Holy Ghost.
WE Believe in the Blessed Hope,which is the rapture of the
universal body of Baptized believers in Christ at his return.
We Believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is
though repentance,Faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ
and being baptized in water.
We Believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely
essential for Personal Salvation.
WE Believe that the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the
cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing
WE Believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost,by whose
indwelling,the Christian is enable to live a Holy and separated
life in this present world.
We Believe that the God there is no respect of person.in Christ
we are all one.that male and female can be used by God equally
with the same effectiveness in the work of the ministry.
Acts 10:34-Galatians 3:28-Ephesians4:11
To teach&preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all mankind developing strong soldiers
spiritually, mentally&physically, Raising up men&women to walk in passion, purpose,
power&faith to fulfill their destiny for such a time as this.
{Walking in Passion}to reach the hurting, the
hopeless & the lost with Gospel of Jesus Christ
that they may come to know him as the only true & living
savior & the way to eternal life.
{Walking in Purpose}to equip the body of Christ to be more then conquerors by teaching the
unadulterated word of God that we may walk in & fulfill our calls & purpose in the earth according
to the kingdom of God.
{Walking in the power}to mature the people of God that they may receive the power of the Holy
Ghost & go into all the world preaching the Gospel,which is the power of God unto salvation to
everyone that believeth & taking authority over sin,sickness & poverty.
{Walking in Faith}to teach the word of God and how to apply it to your life by faith.